what is hospital ?

A hospital is a health care institution providing patient treatment by specialized staff and equipment. In accord with the original meaning of the word, hospitals were originally "places of hospitality", and this meaning is still preserved in the names of some institutions such as the Royal Hospital Chelsea.

There are over 17,000 hospitals in the world.

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May 30, 2012

Sterile Dressing Principles Equipment And Procedure

 Sterile Dressing 

Principles Of  Sterile Dressing
Three principles of sterile  dressing technique.These are as follows:
  • Maintain of asepsis.
  • Expose the  wound for the minimum time.
  • Employ an efficient procedure.
Preparation of Patient:
  •   1.  Explain the procedure, to gain consent and cooperation.
  •    2. Draw screens around the bed and ensure adequate .
  •    3. light. Clear the bed area, close windows, turn off fans, etc.
  •    4. Adjust bedclothes to permit easy access to the wound .
    5.Maintain warmth and dignity.
 6.Check patient comfort, e.g. position, convenience,  need for toilet, etc.
 7.Administer analgesics as appropriate and allow time to  take effect.
Personal protective equipment :
  • Gown
  • Sterile gloves
  • Mask
  • Medicated ointment and/or solutions as ordered by a physician
  • Dressings and applicators as needed.
  • Plastic disposal bag and red bio-hazard bag.
  • Tape.
  • Antiseptic solution.
  • Sterile saline.
  • Instrument set if needed  Example: Scissors and forceps.
  • Sterile basin.
 Step Of Removing dressing:
  • Loosen the tape on the patient's existing dressing.
  • Put on sterile gloves.
  • Remove the dressing, using forceps, if required.
  • Place the used dressing and forceps in a plastic
Procedure Of Sterile Dressing:
  • Wash your hands using the proper technique  and dry hands thoroughly.
  • Put on gloves.
  • Clean the wound with a sterile applicator using a circular motion beginning at the center of the wound and extending outward.
  • Observe the wound for complications.Examples Discoloration, edema, purulent drainage.
  •  If no any complication apply the sterile dressing.
  • Remove your gloves and place them in a plastic bag.
  • Tape the new dressing in place.
  • Double-bag the contaminated articles closing each bag securely.
  • Place these bags inside a red plastic bag outside of the room.
  • Wash your hands using the proper technique.
Educating the patient
  • Instruct the patient to keep his/her hands off of the wound.
  • Instruct the patient to report the following about the wound site to a nurse or physician:

May 29, 2012

Personal Hygiene Definition And Maintaining Of Good Health

Definition Of  Personal Hygiene :

Personal hygiene may be described as the principle of maintaining cleanliness and grooming of the external body.Personal hygiene is the first step to good grooming and good health. Elementary cleanliness is common knowledge. Neglect causes problems that you may not even be aware of.. Some problems may not be your fault at all, but improving standards of hygiene will control these conditions., good looks are the result of careful and continuous grooming.
Maintaining Of  Good Health:
The food we eat, the way we keep our body clean, physical exercises and safe sexual relationship, all these play a greater role in maintaining good health of the body. Many diseases are developed due to lack of cleanliness. Parasites, worms, scabies, sores, tooth decay, diarrhea and dysentery are caused due to lack of personal hygiene. All these diseases can be prevented by practicing cleanliness.
Cleaning the Head

 Head bath to be taken once or twice in a week with shampoo or any other cleansing agent.
Cleaning Eyes, Ears and Nose
  • Wash your eyes with clean water every day.
  • Wax get formed in ears and block the air way. This causes pain. Hence clean the ears once a week with cotton buds .
  • Nose secretions get dried and forms a crest which block the nose. Hence clean the nose whenever needed. When children have cold and running nose clean the nose with soft cloth.
Cleaning the Mouth
  • Soft tooth powder and paste are good for brushing the teeth. Brush twice a day - morning, as soon as you get up from the bed and at night before going to bed.Coal powder, salt, rough tooth powder, etc when used for brushing lead to scratches in the outer layer of the teeth. 
  • Wash your mouth with clean water after eating any food item. This prevents food particles settling between the teeth which produces bad smell, spoil the gums and leads to tooth decay .
  • Take nutritious diet. Eat less of food items like sweets, chocolates, ice creams and cakes.
  • When you see signs of tooth decay consult the dentist immediately 
  • Regular and proper brushing methods help you prevent tartar settling on the teeth. Consult the dentist for regular cleaning of your teeth.
Skin Care 
  • Skin covers the whole body, protects organs of the body and helps to maintain the body temperature. 
  • Skin helps to bring out the body's dirt through sweat. In a defective skin, the sweat glands gets blocked and as a result sores, boils and acne develop . 
  • Take bath every day using soap and clean water to keep your skin clean
Washing Hands
  • We perform all the activities such as eating food, cleaning after passing motion, cleaning the nose, removing cow dung etc. with our hands. During these activities, many disease causing germs remain under the nails and over the skin. Washing the hands (above the wrist, in between the fingers and nails) with soap after completion of the activity and especially before cooking and eating food helps to prevent many diseases.
  • Cut your nails regularly. Avoid biting nails and nose picking.
  • Children play in the mud. Teach them to practice washing hands before eating.
  • Avoid contact with blood, feces, urine and vommit Cleanliness during Urination and Defecation. 
  • After passing stools and urine, wash the parts with clean water from front to back and keep the parts clean. Do not forget to wash your hands with soap.
  • Keep the toilets, bathrooms and surroundings clean. Avoid open air defecation.
Cleanliness of the reproductive organs
Both men and women are to keep their reproductive organs always clean. 
  • Women, during menstruation should use clean, soft cloth or sanitary napkins. Change the napkins atleast twice a day. 
  • Women who have white discharge with bad smell should consult a doctor immediately
  • After passing stools and urination wash the parts with clean water
  • Consult the doctor immediately if you notice any infection of the reproductive tract.
  • Use condomes for safe sex.
  • Clean the reproductive parts before and after the sexual activity
Food and cooking hygiene 
  • Practice hygiene during cooking to prevent food contamination, food poisoning and transmission of disease.
  • Keep the cooking area and vessels clean
  • Avoid eating rotten or infected food material
  • Wash your hands before cooking and serving the food
  • Wash the food items such as vegetables thoroughly before use 
  • Store the food items properly
  • Check the labels of food items while purchasing to know the 'Best before' date
  • Dispose the kitchen waste properly
Medical hygiene 
  • Take care of wounds by dressing them using proper bandage
  • Look for the expiry date while purchasing medicines
  • Safe disposal of unwanted medicines
  • Do not take medicines without a doctor's prescription.

Source : Healthy villages - A guide for communities and community health workers, by World Health Organisation.

May 26, 2012

Hypertension Medication And Complication


  • Diuretics 

Diuretics are sometimes called "water pills" because they work in the kidney and flush excess water and sodium from the body.eg.tab. lasix .

  • Beta-blockers

Beta-blockers reduce nerve impulses to the heart and blood vessels. This makes the heart beat slower and with less force. Blood pressure drops and the heart works less hard.eg.tab. depin 5mg or10mg,tab.stemlo -5(amlodepin)etc.

  • ACE inhibitors

Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors prevent the formation of a hormone called angiotensin II, which normally causes blood vessels to narrow. The ACE inhibitors cause the vessels to relax and blood pressure goes down.Eg.tab.Enalapril,iab.Ramipri,tab.Quinapri,tab.Lisinopril etc.

  • Angiotensin antagonists

Angiotensin antagonists shield blood vessels from angiotensin II. As a result, the vessels become wider and blood pressure goes down.Eg. tab.Valsartan 80 mg,tab.Losartan 100 mg,tab.Olmesartan 20 mg etc.

  • Calcium channel blockers (CCBs)

CCBs keep calcium from entering the muscle cells of the heart and blood vessels. This causes the blood vessels to relax and pressure goes down.Eg.tab.Azelnidipine,tab.Barnidipine,tab.Isradipine etc.

  • Alpha-blockers 

Alpha-blockers reduce nerve impulses to blood vessels, which allows blood to pass more easily, causing the blood pressure to go down.Eg.tab.Alfuzosin,tab.Prazosin,tab.Doxazosin etc.

  • Alpha-beta-blockers

Alpha-beta-blockers work the same way as alpha-blockers but also slow the heartbeat, as beta-blockers do. As a result, less blood is pumped through the vessels and the blood pressure goes down.

  • Nervous system inhibitors

Nervous system inhibitors relax blood vessels by controlling nerve impulses. This causes the blood vessels to become wider and the blood pressure to go down.Eg. tab.clonidin,

  • Vasodilators

Vasodilators directly open blood vessels by relaxing the muscle in the vessel walls, causing the blood pressure to go down.Vasodilators
  • Bleeding from the aorta, the large blood vessel that supplies blood to the abdomen, pelvis, and legs
  • Chronic kidney disease.
  • Heart attack and heart failure.
  • Poor blood supply to the legs.
  • Stroke.
  • Problems with your vision.

May 25, 2012

Hypertension and Its Definition Symptoms Type Diagnosis Prevention



Hypertension  is defined as a consistently elevated blood pressure exceeding 140/90 mm Hg. Hypertension (HTN) sometimes called arterial hypertension .  This requires the heart to work harder than normal to circulate blood through the blood vessels. Blood pressure involves two measurements, systolic and diastolic.

Signs and symptoms:

  • Headaches
  • Vertigo
  •  Tinnitu
  •  Fainting
  •  palpitations

Type Of Hypertension:

There are two major types of hypertension and four less frequently found types.The two major types are:

Primary or essential hypertension:

Primary or essential hypertension that has no known cause, is diagnosed in the majority of people.95% of reported high blood pressure cases in theunderlying cause cannot be determined. This type of high blood pressure is called essential hypertension or primary hypertension.  It has been linked to certain risk factors. High blood pressure tends to run in families and is more likely to affect men than women. Age and race also play a role.  Essential hypertension is also greatly influenced by diet and lifestyle. The link between salt and high blood pressure is especially compelling . The majority of all people with high blood pressure are "salt sensitive," meaning that anything more than the minimal bodily need for salt is too much for them and increases their blood pressure. Other factors that can raise the risk of having essential hypertension include obesity; diabetes; stress; insufficient intake of potassium, calcium, and magnesium; lack of physical activity; and chronic alcohol consumption.

May 24, 2012

Pyrexia Its Definition Cause Type And Management



A high temperature or fever, known as pyrexia, occurs when the body temperature rises above the normal level of 37 C if measured in the mouth, or 37.7 C if measured in the rectum.


  • Most fevers are caused by pyrogens fever-inducing toxins released by viruses or bacteria. Pyrogens act on the temperature regulating centre in the brain. Common illnesses caused by such infection are the common cold, tonsillitis, influenza and urinary tract infections cystitis. Fever may also occur in non-infectious conditions such as dehydration, heart attack or cancer.
  • In addition you can develop a high fever from over-exposure to heat, and especially to the sun. This is known as heat stroke.
  • In children, a high temperature may be caused by infections such as measles or an upper respiratory tract infection such as tonsillitis. For some children a high temperature can lead to convulsions or seizures which are caused by the effect that the fever has on the brain.


A fever may be accompanied by:
  • Shivering
  • Headache
  • Sweating
  • Thirst
  • Flushed face
  • Hot skin
  • Rapid breathing 


  • Intermittent fever: The temperature elevation is present only for a certain period, later cycling back to normal, e.g. malaria, kala-azar, pyaemia, orsepticemia. Following are its types 
  • Quotidian fever, with a periodicity of 24 hours, typical of Plasmodium falciparum.
  • Tertian fever (48 hour periodicity), typical of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium ovale.
  • Quartan fever (72 hour periodicity), typical of Plasmodium malariae.
  • Remittent fever: Temperature remains above normal throughout the day and fluctuates more than 1 °C in 24 hours, e.g., infective endocarditis.
  • Pel-Ebstein fever: A specific kind of fever associated with Hodgkin's lymphoma, being high for one week and low for the next week and so on. However, there is some debate as to whether this pattern truly exists.
  • A neutropenic fever, also called febrile neutropenia, is a fever in the absence of normal immune system function. Because of the lack of infection-fightingneutrophils, a bacterial infection can spread rapidly; this fever is, therefore, usually considered to require urgent medical attention. This kind of fever is more commonly seen in people receiving immune-suppressing chemotherapy than in apparently healthy people.
  • Febricula is an old term for a low-grade fever, especially if the cause is unknown, no other symptoms are present, and the patient recovers fully in less than a week.

Management Of  Pyrexia :

  • First step is to assess the temperature of the person using a thermometer.
  • Take off the excessive or warm clothing of the person.
  • Loosen the tight or restrictive clothing.
  • Allow for good air and ventilation.
  • Provide a tepid sponge bath to the person (tepid means the tap water that is neither too warm nor too cold).
  • Give plenty of the clear fluids to replenish the fluids lost as a result of the heat evaporation.
  • Ensure complete bed rest.
  • Apply cold compresses on the forehead if advised by the physician.

  • Administer the anti- pyretic over the counter medications such as the acetaminophen or paracetamol. Avoid giving the aspirin drug to the adult or a child.

May 23, 2012

Wound Care Its Definition ,Facts ,Wound Healing And Management

Definition of wounds. 

Wound. A wound is any break in the skin that can vary from a superficial to a full thickness wound.
 A partial thickness wound is confined to loss of the epidermis and partial loss of the dermis; whereas
 a full thickness wound has a total loss of the epidermis and dermis and can involve the deeper
 subcutaneous and muscle tissues and/or bone.Wound care is provided in a variety of patient 
care settings including acute care, subacute care, long-term care, outpatient clinics, and in the home.
Acute wound.: 
Acute wounds occur suddenly and are commonly due to trauma or 
surgery, which triggers blood clotting and a wound repair process that leads to wound closure 
within 2-4 weeks. 
Chronic wound.
A chronic wound is a one that does not does not proceed through an 
orderly and timely repair process requiring more than 4 weeks to heal such as vascular wounds 
and pressure wounds .
Surgical wound:
. A surgical wound that heals in an orderly and expected fashion may be 
considered an acute wound. Surgical wounds heal by primary closure or are left open for delayed 
primary closure or healing by secondary closure. Primary closure facilitates the fastest healing. 
However, infected wounds should not be primarily closed.


The skin is a barrier to the outside world protecting the body from infection, radiation, and extremes of temperature.

There are many types of wounds that can damage the skin including abrasions, lacerations, rupture injuries, punctures, and penetrating wounds.

Many wounds are superficial requiring local first aid including cleansing and dressing.

Some wounds are deeper and need medical attention to prevent infection and loss of function, due to damage to underlying structures like bone, muscle, tendon, arteries and nerves.

The purpose of medical care for wounds is to prevent complications and preserve function. While important, cosmetic results are not the primary consideration for wound repair.

Animal and human bites should always be seen by a medical professional because of the high rate of infection.

It is important to know a person'stetanus immunization status (for example, has the person had a tetanus shot or booster vaccine in the last 5 years?) so that it can be updated with a tetanus booster if needed.


FIRST INTENTION HEALING-partial thickness wounds. - a clean incision is made with primary closure, minimal scarring. -expected when the edges of clean surgical incisions are sutured together, tissue loss is minimal or absent if the wound is not contaminated with microorganism. -e.g.-abrasion or skin tear.

SECOND INTENTION HEALING-granulation -accompanies traumatic open wounds with tissues loss or wounds with a high microorganisms count. -go though a process involving scar tissue formation a heal slowly because of the volume of tissue needed to fill the defect. -e.g.-contaminated surgical wound, pressure ulcer. 


1. HEMORRRHAGE -risk of hemorrhage is greatest during the ist 48 hours after surgery. -emergency pressure dressing to the wound and monitor vital signs.

2. INFECTION -surgical infection is apparently 2-11 days post operatively. 


. DRESSINGS - material applied to wound with or without medication, to give protection and assist in healing. -what are the purposes? To protect the wound from mechanical injury Splint or immobilized the wound. Absorbs dressing Prevent contamination from bloody discharges.

DRY TO DRY DRESSINGS -used primarily for wounds closing by primary intention is good protection, absorption & provide pressure to the wound surface when drainage dries. - when remove can cause pain and disruption of granulation tissue.

WET TO DRY DRESSINGS -used for untidy or infected wounds that must be debrided and closed by secondary intention.How can it be done? -gauze saturated with sterile saline or antimicrobial sol’n. is packed into the wound, the wet dressing are then covered by dry dressings.When to changed? -when it becomes dry.

WET TO WET DRESSINGS -used on clean open wounds or on granulating surfaces.Provide a more physiologic environment (warmth moisture) which can enhance the local healing processes and assure greater patient comfort. surrounding tissues can become ulcerated. high risk for infection. 

May 21, 2012

Hospital About First Aid And First Aider Definition

What Is First Aid ?
First aid is the provision of immediate care to a victim with an injury or illness, usually effected by a lay person, and performed within a limited skill range. First aid is normally performed until the injury or illness is satisfactorily dealt with (such as in the case of small cuts, minor bruises, and blisters) or until the next level of care, such as a paramedic or doctor, arrives.
Full Form Of First Aid:
• F-first
• I-investigation
• R-relief
• S-symptom
• T-treatment
• A-arrangement
• I-immediately
• D-disposal
Aims Of First Aid.

To preserve life. 
To prevent the worsening of one's medical condition . 
To promote recovery. 
Safe transportation to the nearest health care facility .

What Is First Aider?

First Aider is the term which describes any person who has received a certificate from an authorized training body indicating that he or she is qualified to render First Aid.
The Responsibility Of The First Aider:
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